Title: Wolf Like Me Author: schmevil Summary: Meg takes Bela of the rack. Characters: Bela/Meg Word Count: 4132 Notes: Written for darkmagic_luvr by way of spn_fs_exchange. Originally posted here
Title: In Truth (Four Things That Never Happened to Anna Milton, and One That Did) Author: schmevil Summary: Not fate only. Characters: Anna, Castiel, Uriel, Dean Word Count: 500
Title: To The River Author: schmevil Summary: As far back as he could remember, Snape had always wanted to be one of them. (Goodfellas inflected AU) Characters: Severus Snape Word Count: 3216 Warning: Implied violence.
Title: Chimera Author: schmevil Fandom: Smallville Summary: Lex is a meteor mutant. His body adapts. (Also, there's aliens). Character(s): Lex. Word Count: 1727 Notes: Companion piece to Humming
Title: Humming Author: schmevil Fandom: Smallville Summary: When they’ve tried and tried, and all failed, then they will need him. (Lex waits for rescue). Character(s): Lex Word Count: 1084 Notes: Companion piece to Chimera.